Wild Church

Explore what Wild Church is, find a Wild Church gathering near you or see how you can join us virtually.

Retreats, Workshops
and Events

Ready to dive in a little deeper? We regularly have events, workshops and retreats to help you dig deeper and create a more connection with the Divine who is woven through nature and your own divine soul.

Check out what’s coming!
Sacred Conversations:
A Wild Church Network Retreat
June 13-16 at Five Oaks Retreat Centre

Sacred Earth, Holy Connection: Wild Church
July 8-12th at Naramata Centre

Wild Thoughts

We have been on this journey for four years now and we have picked up wisdom and inspiration from the world around us. Take a look through some of the ways that wisdom and inspiration has taken form! It is so good to share these with the world we invited some of our friends to contribute too!

Weekly Wild Resource

We have a weekly resource to help you create intentional time on the land to connect with the wild and the sacred that is threaded through all of creation. Sign up for this free resource and keep up with all the Wild Church adventures too!